- read about breast implant augmentation
- see before and after photos-videos
- alternatives, risks, benefits & recovery
For optimal results in breast augmentation – breast enhancement the breast tissue needs to be centered under the nipple which should lie about 20cm from the notch between the collar bones, the areola should be about 4cm in diameter & the implant should be centered under both the nipple and breast tissue. That is the key to natural breast enlargement. A large number of women do not have breast tissue centered under the nipple or the nipple in the proper position even if they have never had breast surgery. In these patients some adjustment of the breast tissue is required prior to placing the implant. This can only be reliably performed through a nipple complex incision. Another problem is some women have breast tissue that is not centered under the nipple but this does not become apparent until after an implant is placed under the breast.
This was a difficult case because the nipples were too low, the skin was stretched out and the areolae were too large. Reaching the optimal result would require too many skin incisions and scars for the patient. The compromise was achieved by peforming a crescent mastopexy to lift the nipples and placing a saline implant under the muscles. This left her with large areolae but less skin scarring.
23 years old, 5’3″ tall, 110 lb., 32B bra size
Smooth saline implants (400cc on the right and 375cc on the left) were placed under the muscle. In this case both nipples had to be moved closer to the midline during surgery using crescent mastopexies. Adjustments also had to be made for difference in the positioning of the right and left ribs that make an exactly symmetric result unachievable.
40 years old, 34B bra size, 5’6″ tall, 130 lb.
In this case 325cc smooth saline breast implants were placed under the gland — above the muscle via an incision on the lower edge of each areola.
Middle aged woman with A cup bra size.
In this case the patient requested silicone gel breast implants breast enhancement. Because of her small frame, small areola diameter and thin upper breast tissue I placed Sientra 320cc smooth silicone gel moderate profile breast implants under the pectoralis muscles via an incision in the fold under the breast. The nipple size was reduced at the same surgery.
47 year old, 4’10”, 106 lb. 250+270cc saline under the muscle.
In this case the patient wanted saline implants and had large nipples, tight lower half of breast skin, high almost non-existent left breast fold and smaller left than right breast. The main problem is the tightness of the lower half of breast skin which limits the size of implant her body would tolerate. The nipples were reduced, the left breast fold was lowered and the implants placed under the muscles via periareolar incisions.
This 23 year old had silicone gel breast implants placed under the muscle via armpit incisions.
Video: Breast Implant Breast Enhancement Surgery
Read Dr. Stone’s blog about breast surgeryTypes of Breast Lift – Mastopexy
Fat Injections to Reconstruct Breasts or Increase Breast Size
Massive Weight Loss and Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast Implants and Body BuildingA Natural Look with Breast Implants
Breast implant surgery can enhance your appearance and your self confidence. Realistic expectations are important to be happy with any surgery. As each patient is an individual, different results can be expected in each patient.
Read Dr. Stone’s blogs related to liposuction surgeryMesotherapy, Lipo-Dissolve, or Injection LipolysisLiposuction and its variants tumescent liposuction, superficial liposuction, smartlipo, power assisted liposuction, microliposculptureFree fat graftingCellulite
Liposuction surgery liposculpture can enhance your appearance and your self confidence. Realistic expectations are important to be happy with any surgery. As each patient is an individual, different results can be expected in each patient.
The only alternatives to breast implant surgery are padded bras or free fat grafting. The problems with only injecting fat to increase breast size are multiple fat graft sessions would be required to reach the equivalent size of an implant and fat alone lacks structural integrity. Therefore to get the breast to protrude sufficiently you may need a base diameter that would be too large for your chest.
As with any type of surgery there is the risk of infection or bleeding. Additionally breast implants may interfere with future mammograms, some patient’s body’s just do not tolerate implants, your body can form scar tissue around the implants that contracts down forming hard balls, asymmetries present before surgery can be magnified (especially if your surgeon does not account for them in planning surgery), unsightly skin scars can form at the implant insertion site, seroma fluid or blood can collect around an implant necessitating additional surgery, implants can rupture at any time necessitating further surgery, if non-cohesive silicone gel leaks out of an implant it can migrate to adjacent body areas, if the overlying breast tissue is thin the edges of the implant or its surface rippling may become visible, implants placed under the muscle can be deformed when the muscle is active or shift out of position due to muscle action, if there are any problems with the overlying skin or infection the implant can extrude and if the implants are removed you could be smaller than your original breast size and have a non-cosmetic appearance of your breast(s). Some risks are common with specific approaches such as implant malposition with implant insertion through the belly button.
These risks are minimized by choosing the right surgeon and implant, not getting too large a breast implant, complying with activity restrictions in the immediate postoperative period and taking prophylactic antibiotics when undergoing dental work or gastrointestinal procedures. Most surgeons now use cohesive gel when the use silicone implants so the risk of rupture and migration is not an issue but these implants require larger skin incisions and therefore more skin scarring.
Unlike other types of plastic surgery all breast implant patients are signing up for future surgery because the implants do not last a lifetime and the effects of the surgery do not last a lifetime. Despite all of this breast implant augmentation is within the top 2 or 3 cosmetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons in the United States each year.
The benefits are not being self conscious shopping for clothes, when in a bathing suit at the beach or when being intimate. Being pleased with your new appearance can be a major incentive to changing your lifestyle, diet and exercise regularity in order to maintain your new look.
In order to have a well perceived result patients need to have the proper expectations going into surgery and the appropriate patient specific surgery needs to be employed. The patients shown on this webpage each had specific problems and needed individualized treatment. This is not only a make an incision insert an implant procedure. That may work for some patients but it will not work for all patients.
Automobile driving can be resumed after 1 week, sex after 2 weeks & athletics after 4 weeks. The most important part of recovery is exercise and activity restrictions for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery after which patients gradually return to their pre-surgery exercise routines. Being to active too early after surgery can easily lead to seromas, infections or implant malpositions that adversely affect the end result. Most of the bruising & swelling resolves in 2 to 3 weeks. A bra should be worn 24 hours a day for 4 to 6 weeks until the capsule around the implant is fully formed. If the implant is riding high initially a velcro strap is placed around the upper chest for a few weeks to reposition the implant(s).
If implants placed via an armpit incision do not use roll on or spray antiperspirant or antideodorant in the armpit area for 2 weeks and do not shave the armpit area for the first 10 days after surgery.
Dr. Aaron Stone
Call today for a consultation!
9700 Venice BlvdCulver City, Los Angeles,CA 90232