- read about abdominoplasty-tummy tuck
- see before and after photos
- alternatives, risks, benefits & recovery
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is an operation that elevates, redrapes and tightens the abdomen and waist. Excess skin is removed via an incision hidden within the bikini line and the muscle is tightened resulting in a shaplier figure and flatter stomach. Stretchmarks below the level of the belly button are removed. Some tightening of the thigh and buttock skin is also achieved.
In these cases there is little or no excess fat so liposuction is either minimal or not required.
Excess skin removal and muscle tightening without liposuction have improved the look of the thighs and created a more hourglass figure.
20 years old, 5’10” tall, 160 pounds. Additional benefit of combining liposuction with abdominoplasty by removing fat in the lower back area above the buttocks (love handles area).
37 years old, 5’2″, 110 pounds, 2 pregnancies, 5 years after last pregnancy. No liposuction was performed.
Read Dr. Stone’s blogs about abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy surgeryAbdominoplasty, thigh buttock lift and belt lipectomy
Abdominal Muscle Tightening and Diastasis Repair
The Difference between Panniculectomy and Abdominoplasty – Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty surgery can enhance your appearance and your self confidence. Realistic expectations are important to be happy with any surgery. As each patient is an individual, different results can be expected in each patient.
Except for Radiofrequency treatments such as Thermi or Inmode for minor skin excess there are no good alternatives to abdominoplasty. Even if you lose significant weight the excess skin when severe does not shrink. It can only be removed by surgery.
As with any type of surgery there is the risk of infection or bleeding. Additionally there is the risk of seroma or blood fluid collections under the skin, bruising and skin loss especially at the lower edge of the abdominal skin below the belly button. Smokers and those who have undergone massive weight loss prior to surgery are at particular risk for skin loss or clots in the major leg veins. This risks are minimized by careful surgery, use of drains, medical optimization of at risk patients before surgery, early ambulation after surgery and adherence to postoperative instructions.
Constipation is a frequent problem following muscle tightening surgery and opioid pain medications after surgery. Dr. Stone has his patients routinely take stool softeners beginning a few days before surgery to minimize this problem.
The appearance of the skin incision scars after surgery is highly variable from patient to patient. With good scar control regimens after surgery the visible scarring can be minimal even in Afro-Americans.
The benefits are not being self conscious in a bathing suit at the beach, when wearing midrif exposing shirts or when being intimate and achieving a more hourglass shape for women. Being pleased with your new appearance can be a major incentive to changing your lifestyle, diet and exercise regularity in order to maintain your new look. The muscle tightening typically performed in abdominoplasty can improve posture and resolve sway back. Abdominal wall hernias if present are completely visualized during this surgery and can be repaired without leaving a skin scar directly over the site of the hernia.
Abdominoplasty patients are among the happiest plastic surgery patients because this is one of the few cosmetic procedures that is permanent. You only need one in your entire life if you maintain a pregnancy free healthy lifestyle. Facelifts and breast surgery unfortunately do not last a life time.
Most patients require an overnight stay with nursing care for 1 night after surgery. Some patients opt for 2 nights. A urinary catheter is left in place overnight and the drains are removed within 3 to 7 days of surgery in most cases. The main factor affecting complication free recovery is the amount of muscle tightening that is performed at surgery. If the muscles were very lax before surgery you may not be able to walk upright for 2 or 3 weeks after surgery. There are exercise and activity restrictions for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery after which patients gradually return to their pre-surgery exercise routines.
Dr. Aaron Stone
Call today for a consultation!
9700 Venice BlvdCulver City, Los Angeles,CA 90232