- read about transgender mastectomy
- see before and after photos
- alternatives, risks, benefits & recovery
Transgender mastectomy is the same procedure performed that is required for a genetic male born individual with severe gynecomastia. In such cases removing only the tissue under the skin is insufficient. One must also remove the excess skin and do so in such away that the chest becomes more male like in character i.e. a narrower areolar diameter, a smaller nipple and positioning of the nipple outside the mid breast axis. The result is the same in the born male with severe gynecomastia and the female to male transgender or transsexual patient.
This is a transgender transsexual patient who underwent mastectomy male breast reduction. The procedure is the same for born male patients who have severe gynecomastia requiring skin removal in addition to the tissue under the skin.
Read Dr. Stone’s blog about gynecomastia surgeryGynecomastia Surgery
Transgender mastectomy surgery can enhance your appearance and your self confidence. Realistic expectations are important to be happy with any surgery. As each patient is an individual, different results can be expected in each patient.
Some transgender patients react so well to testosterone that they need little or no chest surgery. Others do not and require more chest surgery. Because of the issues of skin, fat and gland there are no alternatives to surgery.
As with any type of surgery there is the risk of infection or bleeding. Additionally there is the risk of seroma or blood fluid collections under the skin, residual right left asymmetry, uneven surface contours, complete or partial loss of the nipple complex and diminished nipple sensation.
The benefits are not being self conscious shopping for clothes or when in a bathing suit at the beach, not having to wear layered loose clothes to hide your breasts and feeling more comfortable in your body. Being pleased with your new appearance can be a major incentive to changing your lifestyle, diet and exercise regularity in order to maintain your new look.
The most important part of recovery is exercise and activity restrictions for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery after which patients gradually return to their pre-surgery exercise routines. Sutures are removed at 10 to 12 days and drains are not usually required. Being to active too early after surgery can easily lead to seromas that adversely affect the end result.
Dr. Aaron Stone
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9700 Venice BlvdCulver City, Los Angeles,CA 90232